Customer Testimonials

I’m proud that JainMatrix Investment reports are trusted by readers. Here are some freely expressed testimonials from subscribers and readers on my website:

Chaitra Kumar, Director, MNC Financial Institution

  • I have known Punit for over 7 years now and his qualifications and knowledge of the Indian stock market is fairly mature. Considering the fact that he is a SEBI certified Research Analyst, it gives me all the more confidence in his thorough research material and suggestions for long term investments. My portfolio has consistently given market beating returns from the time I have taken membership of his premium reports and services. Punit has a very warm and approachable personality and is ever willing to help others achieve financial stability. I wish him greater success in his endeavors and would love to emulate his success mantras through my investments too!
  • JainMatrix Investments has introduced me to the stock markets. Right from day 1, the phone discussions, stock pick reports and model portfolios made investing simple. Thanks to the one year investment plan made for me, I now have the valuable habit to invest regularly. I have high confidence in their research and have gained above expected returns in one year already !! – Ashish Verma
  • I have been a subscriber to JainMatrix for about 1.5 years now, and found that the advice is very sound. The returns have been very consistent both in the mid-cap and the large cap segments, and have far exceeded indices. To me, the biggest influencing factor in trusting JainMatrix has been that the fee is not based on brokerage, commission, etc., and so I can rest assured that this is based on genuine market research – the results speak for the thoroughness and accuracy …… Srinivas Rao Bhagavatula.
  • I was initially skeptical about the advisory services. But after 2 years of subscription I have found out that your services are good and the reports are exhaustive and very clear. I am more than happy with the services offered . Keep It going!!! ………..  Suresh Lakkoni.
  • Indeed I have come across a very informative and genuine investors friendly site after I have become quite ‘old’ in the stock market. Keep up the good work. My best wishes………CV Kumar
  • You are doing a great job helping small retail investors like me. Your rational explanation provides all the more conviction to invest in the stocks recommended by you. I am very grateful to you for your guidance and appreciate the valuable service you are providing to the small investor community. Keep up the good work and may God bless you……………… Prash
  • You are proving great analysis about the companies better than professional wealth management companies. …… Guru
  • Your analysis is an eye opener for me. Wonderfully done. I appreciate your service. God bless you. …….. Antony Alfred
  • Another thoughtful article. All the articles in JainMatrix helps the readers greatly to increase the knowledge of stocks on both fundamentals and technical perspective…… Amitayu Ghosh

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